Tigress Stravyn® goes Exploring at the Park

Adventure, animals, bengals, cats, chipmunk, cute, funny, kittens, parks, squirrel, tiger

I was in the middle of a game of Hide and Pounce when Papa yelled, “Do you want to go to the park Stravyn!”  I looked up!  The park! Of course. Darn it now I messed up my great hiding place!

After a quick drive we were at the park. Only one street to cross.  “Look both ways Papa!” I meow.

This park has so many places to explore. Papa says “Look a outdoor gym.” That confused me since we all know that a “gym” is a place where humans dress up funny and then leave us animals for a little bit to take a nap and then they return with Pizza! That’s how papa goes to the Gym! Hmmm I don’t smell pizza yet. I’ll just explore this funny thing that papa is playing with.

We then went to watch some humans hitting a yellow cat toy back and forth.  Papa called it Tennis.  I didn’t really understand it.  The way I play is to hit the ball around the house until it goes under the sofa.  That’s what I call a fun game of tennis!

Papa look a rock climbing wall. Let’s try it!

Am I at the top yet?

Ummm papa you can go down the slide first!

There were so many dogs walking their humans. But what really interested me was the squirrels!  They were trying to hide but I can spot them. “There is one now!” I meow

There was even a lake at the park with some funny ducks.  Well I guess all ducks at funny!


The time went very quick!  Time to go home and see if my toy chipmunk looks like any of the animals I saw at the park.

After being outside in the hot park I’ll take a quick bath and then a little rest!

Check out my older blogs below. Thanks meow! Any questions Stravyn and Papa can be reached at Tigress@Stravyn.com 

Tigress Stravyn® Has a Birthday Party

Adventure, animals, bengals, butterfly, cats, chipmunk, cute, funny, kittens, lol, party, squirrel, tiger, Uncategorized, wildlife

In the middle of the year it’s Hot where I live. Very, very hot most days. So during the day I can’t take my usual buggy rides and walks. As a Tigress Bengal cat I always like to go out and have adventures but during what my Human, that I call Papa, calls summer doldrums I can’t always go out and explore.

While walking indoors on my cat wheel I had a great idea. “Papa it’s my birthday soon so let’s have a party with my butterfly friend, my stuffed animals, and some special guests!” I meowed.

I told Papa to print up an invitation and I’ll read it to make sure it looks good and then we can text and email it out. And if I don’t like how it looks I’ll shred it for you.

Over the next day I helped Papa decorate. As we all know humans are not as good as animals when it comes to planning a party.  You never hear anyone say “party humans” it’s always “Party Animals!”

Papa I’ll hang this really high up. Let me just grab it first. “Get the tape ready.” I meowed.

I decided to take a little nap before the party but just before I fell asleep one of the guests arrived early. It’s was a baby giraffe and she climbed right on top of me. You know how those giraffes always act at a party. I guess the party was starting!

As I was telling my stuffed animal toys where to sit, Papa brought in one of my outside friends. “Hi Ms Monarch Butterfly are you here for my party?” I meowed happily, “And did you bring a gift for me?”

We have some party snacks for everyone before opening my gifts.   “Papa can we have more food bowls?” I asked, “because the giraffe and polar bear are drooling on my snacks. Yuck!”

I thought it was a good time to open my gifts. Mr. Squirrel gave me a dancing chipmunk. Squirrels always give gifts to do with chipmunks and chipmunks always give gifts to do with squirrels. I don’t know why. They are both nutty creatures I think.

Next I got a ball that lights up when you bounce it.   “Papa look it’s flashing many different colors.” I meowed. Well I think it was my gift. Papa kept on bouncing it all around the house until I meowed for him to stop! Humans are so easily amused by flashy and bouncy things!

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. More surprise guests I thought. It turned out to be a delivery from my Grandmaw, Aunt and Uncle, and my 2 cousin cats!  I read the card over and over to Papa.

It’s to bad that my relatives live so far away I thought. And just then Papa said “Stravyn do you want to video conference Grandmaw, your aunt and uncle, and your cousins?”  I replied “Papa great idea!” And just when the video connected I heard everyone singing “Happy Birthday ” I couldn’t help but smile real big even though the singing hurt my ears a little. You would know what I mean if you have ever heard them all sing “Happy Birthday.”

“Papa show me the screen. I want to see what everyone is doing.” I meowed. Wow look at what everyone was eating.

We had cake also but when I looked at it I saw most of it missing. What had happened to it.  I had to question my guests.

“Which one of you ate the 3 pieces of cake!” I meowed.   The squirrel, who was shaking, said “I saw your Papa eat them all!”

Papa said its time to say goodnight to everyone.  As I was saying goodnight I noticed something. I meowed, “Papa I didn’t get a gift from everyone.”

“It’s ok” I meowed to Papa.  I have so many toys that I can share.   It was time to go rest. Some guests don’t leave but they do make good pillows!!

Thanks for reading everyone. Please read my older blogs listed below with the + button. For any questions please contact me at Tigress@Stravyn.com Thanks