Tigress Stravyn® How To Help Your Human part 2

Adventure, animals, bengals, cute, funny, kittens, lol, tiger, training

While on a doggy/Bengal outing recently with my puppy friend Sophie her Human told my Papa a old story which goes like this;

A dog thinks. “The people I live with feed me, love me, provide me with food and a nice place to live and take care of me. They must be God’s”…While A cat thinks. “The humans I live with feed me, love me, provide me with food, a house, play with me and take care of me; I must be a God!”

As all Beautiful Fierce Felines know this is a truth that has never been debunked. But it is not all as glamorous as it seems. As with part 1 of this post titled How to Help Your Human this part 2 shows that we still have to take care of our humans and it is not an easy job.

As I was thinking about this Sophie my dog friend was trying to beat me in a race at the farmers market but I came out ahead by a whisker. “Hurry papa!” I meow.

I’ll list some examples below to show some helpful things we can do to help our humans so their time can be freed up to pamper us more.

When our Humans drive and we are not sleeping it is very important to help them with directions.  I know we love our humans but we always have to have a watchful eye. Even if you’re not paying attention when you hear the GPS say “recalculating!” It’s time to tell your Human MEOW! We are lost! And we are low on food!!!!!

Our humans like to take many pictures of us and we can help them by every once in a while hold still and look regal for them to take a funny picture.

Sometimes it’s had to look Regal in the many pictures our humans take. But just put up with it for a little bit and you can always reward them later with a nice love kiss with your teeth. “That finger that just took this picture is going to get a nice little bite !” I meow.

I have a Papa that takes me so many places. Another thing I like to do for my human when we are out is to make sure those funny drinks he orders are safe.The best way I like to do this is to either stick my nose in it or if you can’t stick your nose in it then make sure some fur flies into the drink.

We can also help are humans by teaching them new games. Here I’m teaching my papa how to play gin rummy. “I win papa.” I meow.  He says “no you didn’t”. I reply with a loud meow/growl “I WON!” And of course I was right I did win!

Always help your human when they shop. “Get the chicken seasoning papa” I meow.

Our humans will always bring us home new toys. Of course as any cat knows all we want are brand-new boxes, bags, or strings. Still we must pretend to show an interest in the toys they bring us so they will feel like their time and energy was spent well. “Yes I love it Papa. Yawn! Don’t you see me playing with it?” I meow.

When putting away items like paper towels or toilet paper organization is the key to fitting in as many items as you can in a small storage area. I like to help my papa out with this as much as I can. “It’s full papa no more room in here!” I meow.

Well all these helpful hints are making me quite tired while I take a nap please check below for my older blogs which offer for more helpful advice.  Meow!!!

Any questions feel free to reach me or my papa at Tigress@Stravyn.com

Tigress Stravyn® Training your Human Part 2 of many!

Adventure, animals, bengals, cats, cute, funny, tiger, training, tv

As we all know when something floats, flys, or walks by, us cats jump, swat, follow, or just ignore it. Humans on the other paw stare for hours at the same thing and dont notice anything else.  That else is us cats of course.  This prolonged staring causes their eyes to need funny glasses and they get bad posture.  “Hey 4-eyes I’m talking to you!”

“Papa this is what will happen with too much TV!”

It’s up to us to help train them to focus on other things.  As you have guessed I have been talking about computers, phones, TV’s, and tablets.

Our humans are addicted to computer things like a laptop, tablet, or phone. They stare at them for hours.  Leaving us with only a 1/2 full food dish and enough water to only last for a few days!  To help your human you must distract them from their hypnotic glare at this screens. Here are some ideas to do this.  You can come up with some of your own also.

The first thing to try is to stare at them as much as they are staring at the screen.

A laptop is great to scratch one’s whiskers and flex one’s paws on the keyboard. Don’t worry about which keys you hit or walk on your human will always jump and play or push at you.  This means they want to play more.  Keep doing this until you get bored or the world “delete” comes on the screen then go take a nap.

A tablet and phone require more skill. If your human is playing a game then time your tail swishing with the human’s game. They will be delighted to take a break and give you some scratches. Watching TV a is another human addition. Too much watching can be bad for their posture and eyes. While they are watching something on the screen you can use them for a quick nap. But remember we must make sure they move around a bit. The flat screen TVs are great for stretching and showing off one’s pretty fur. Tapping actors on the cheek of a actor on the screen is a fun game and will surely get your human moving. Stepping on the button on the powerstrip will turn off the TV. But don’t do this  too much because humans aren’t that bright and may take awhile to figure out what happened.

When all else fails you can always use a secret weapon for getting what you want from a human. Yes the CUTE look. You can try practicing this in front of a mirror.

When your done practicing. Give them the “cute look”. This should take them away from whatever it is they are doing!

One last trick we have if nothing else works. Yes you guesses it. The thing no human can resist. Turn Upside down!!

No human can resist this.  Also try to get your human to read a book.  It’s a little better than watching a screen.  Also with books you can play with the pages. Biting the pages is so much fun also.

Yawn I’m getting so sleepy.

Remember to read my older blogs about the farmers market, driving, flying etc. below!  Thanks Meow!