Tigress Stravyn® watches Squirrel TV

Adventure, animals, bengals, cats, chipmunk, cute, funny, kittens, lol, squirrel, tiger

One of my morning duties as all Animals know is to check the perimeter each morning for anything that out of place. We do this to make sure are Human is safe. I like to do this an hour before my Human, Papa, wakes up. Of course I have to meow And MEOW to get him to open the bedroom door while he is sleeping.

If Papa doesn’t get up right away I have to Meow again and give him the “Hurry Up!” open the door papa look!

When Papa and I are visiting Grandmaw (check out my riding in a plane blog posted last week to see how I got to Grandmaws) checking the perimeter is a Big event and lasts all morning. She has so many windows to look out and so many items to check over.  

This brings me to what Grandmaw calls Squirrel TV.  It’s not a real TV but don’t tell Grandmaw.  Humans love to watch TV so when I just humor them.

Squirrel TV happens when I am looking out the window protecting my human and a fuzzy giant creature with a puffy tail and funny face walks by looking for food. “A squirrel,” I meow. They run, stop, look around, and run again.  Silly animals only Cats can look majestic doing that! Here is my majestic look!

Wait what’s that!  It’s not a squirrel. Smaller. A chipmunk!  Hmmm they are cuter than the squirrels. Zoom! It ran off. And just as fast as it came it left.


For the rest of the morning I watched and waited but no more chipmunks. I guess they went to Grandmaws neighbors house. They don’t like them over there. I meow to Papa, “I want to see them again! I know Lets try putting out some snacks and see what we can attract. EEK Papa a bug!!” I meow

Where is papa?  Oh well let me look around for something to put out to attract more chipmunks. Hmmm a brownie and a cookie. Maybe they will work at attracting the little critters. I’ll set them on the table and go look for papa to put them outside. I hear papa and run back over to the table. “Papa those were to attract the furry critters!” I meowed loudly.  Hmmm I guess it worked.

  Papa said we should try sunflower seeds. We threw some outside and within a few minutes the chipmunks came back.


What a busy morning. Yawn.  I need a rest before my nap!

Don’t forget to read my earlier blogs. You can find them below. Yawn. Must rest now. Bye!

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